Sunday, June 25, 2006

An Early Summer Update

Sometimes your life gets too busy to share with others. Such was the case recently for me. The usual suspects got in the way, school and work.

Although my University of Redlands MSIT classmates and I participated in Commencement on May 27th, we still are not technically finished with our course work. Commencement during a particularly time demanding course on Security Management, so it is only now that I have time to jot down a few random thoughts.

The class was exceptionally challenging (i.e., hard) with an extensive reading and course work load crammed into six weeks. Fortunately the class is now over and we are all heading into the last few courses. Most of us have two courses left and will be done in twelve weeks (September 14th to be exact, but who's keeping track?). And then we can get our evenings and weekends back.

Ethan is back home from Seton Hall for the summer and working the onld 9 to 5 at Lockton in Los Angeles. It's a good job and one he is considering making into a career after graduation next June. We shall see.

Spencer finished his Freshman year in high school and starts summer school tomorrow. He's taking the equivalent of two semesters of Art. Taking it in the summer not only gives him something to do, but also gives him flexibility in his class schedule over the next few years. Still ahead for him is a trip to England with his club soccer team in August. Ah to be young and have summers off!

Well, that's all I have time for right now. It's time to hit the books for my next class on Change Management. Of course this begs the question of whether we can actually manage change or whether it will just happen anyway. Whoa, that was deep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Max is that you?? Im not sure if I had reached you on my messenger so im trying this. Hi!! Tom Genziano here I just seen your blog page and boy o boy looks like you have done very well! If you are interested you can reach me at